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287(g) ICE-Homeland Security Partnership

In 2008, Sheriff Jenkins entered into a partnership with the Department of Homeland Security’s Immigration and Customs office to begin the 287(g) Criminal Alien Program within the Sheriff’s Office. This partnership entailed training office personnel from both the Detention Center and Law Enforcement Operations to become authorized to identify and begin deportation proceedings against illegal aliens committing crimes within Frederick County. 

Sheriff’s Office members (16 correctional officers & 10 law enforcement deputies) completed training in 2008, and the program officially started on April 11th, 2008.  The Task Force Model (law enforcement deputies) was discontinued in 2012. The partnership with the Department of Homeland Security’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement continues as a seamless partnership. 

Victim Notification Program

Access the Homeland Security Investigation's Victim Notification Program Resource for information pertaining to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). The program allows eligible victims and witnesses to obtain reliable and timely information regarding a criminal alien's release from custody. 

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