Inmate Visitations
Registration begins 30 minutes prior to the start and ends 30 minutes prior to the end times listed.
ADC Visitation Schedule:
Juveniles – Thursday, 12:30 to 7 p.m.
Females – Saturday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Males – Sunday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Work Release Center Visitation Schedule:
Saturday – 9 - 11 a.m. and 8 - 10 p.m.
All visitors must provide a government photo ID for registration.
Contact the visitation officer (301-600-3031) for more information.
Registration begins 30 minutes prior to the start and ends 30 minutes prior to the end times listed.
• Each inmate is allowed one - 30 minute visit once a week with a maximum of four visitors. All visits are recorded for security purposes.
• All visitors will have a picture taken prior to their visit. Any visitor refusing to have their picture taken will not receive a visit.
• For more information, view the Visitation Brochure.
Professional Visitations
Professional visits can occur at any time on any day. Professional visits can be denied during an emergency security situation.
Conversations between a legal representative and an inmate is not audio recorded by the Frederick County Sheriff’s Office – Corrections Bureau. Video only recording of the visit does take place.
Professional Visitors are considered the following:
Must be active and not suspended in Maryland for any reason
Valid photo ID required
Public Defender or Public Defender Investigator
Must be active and not suspended in Maryland for any reason
Valid photo ID required
State’s Attorney Investigators
Valid photo ID and a Work/Agency ID required
Valid photo ID required
Must be on the approved clergy visitation list
Law Enforcement Officers
Valid agency ID required
Retired credentials are not valid for a professional visit
Parole and Probation Agent
Valid agency ID required
Retired credentials are not valid for a professional visit
Embassy/Consular visits
Valid photo ID and Consular ID required
Court Designated Visitors (i.e. Mental Health, Physician, Juvenile Services, etc.)
A copy of the Court Order should also be present
Valid photo ID and a Work/Agency ID required
Professional Visitors who are known to be related to an inmate through marriage or as an immediate family member (brother, sister, cousin, etc.) will not be approved for a professional visit.
Contact the visitation officer (301-600-3031) for more information.
Video Visitation
The Frederick County Adult Detention Center has partnered with Paytel and Homewav to provide video visitation for the inmate population. This visit can occur on your smartphone, laptop, personal computer, or tablet. All you need is an internet connection and a camera attached to your device. For both the on-site and remote visits, the visitor must setup an account with HomeWAV at www.homewav.com. To see video tutorials for video visitation please visit the HomeWAV website. The HomeWAV app can be also be downloaded from the AppStore or Google Play.
Not only can a video visit take place for $0.30 a minute, but both you or the inmate can send a 60 second video message to each other for $0.60 a message. There are no limits to the number of messages sent or received.
For On-site Video Visits:
On-site video visitation will be free at the Detention Center.
The Detention Center will have 13 video visitation booths for visitors.
All visitors are required to create an account at www.HomeWAV.com.
Persons under the age of 18 years must be accompanied by an adult with a valid HomeWAV account.
During the visit, the visitor and the inmate must be logged in under their individual credentials. No sharing visits by visitors or inmates is permitted.
One visit per inmate per week is allowed for on-site visitation. The maximum time for this visit is 30 minutes.
Onsite visitations are scheduled 24 hours in advance pending visitor approval. Visitors are responsible for scheduling visits either online or at the kiosk in the visitation lobby. Visits cannot be scheduled for a time more than seven (7) days in advance.
All video visits are monitored and recorded.
Onsite video visitation will occur at the same time as regular non-contact visitation.
You will be notified if the inmate approves or denies your visit request via email or text. Also any changes to a scheduled visit will be emailed or texted to you.
For Remote Video Visits:
The cost for Remote Video Visitation is $0.30 a minute. There is no minimum charge.
Inmates are allowed unlimited remote video visits a week.
Remote Video Visits will be a maximum of 15 minutes. This time may change in the future depending on use and availability.
All visitors are required to create an account at www.HomeWAV.com either on the website or on the mobile app.
Select the facility and the inmate. Add funds for the inmate to contact you. These funds can only be used for calls to you.
Once the facility approves your account, the inmate will initiate a call to you at any time while you are logged in.
Stay logged in to the HomeWAV account so the inmate can see you are online.
The inmate can send a call request to you if you are not signed in to the HomeWAV account.
Accounts may be suspended or cancelled due to violating the Terms of Use Agreement.
Attorneys can also sign up for a video visit and this will not be recorded.
Please follow the prompts on the HomeWAV website.
HomeWAV Contact Information
Customer Support Center | 7 days a week | 8am-5pm CST | 844.394.6639
Customer Service: support@homewav.com
Refunds: refunds@homewav.com
Mail Information
Beginning Wednesday, Oct. 13, 2021, the Frederick County Sheriff’s Office Adult Detention Center will be utilizing a new mail scanning service for all inmate mail, unless it is legal documentation or magazines and newspapers. Effective with this new process, inmates will be able to view their received mail on the tablets supplied throughout the facility.
A company contracted through Pay Tel Communications, Inc., will scan inmate mail received within 24 hours of receipt and correctional staff will review it electronically within 48 hours. The inmate population will then be able to access their approved scanned mail. All scanned mail containing materials considered illegal, provides threats of criminal activity, or breaches security are subject to investigation by the proper authorities and may result in criminal charges.
All ADC and Work Release Center inmate mail, except legal mail, must use the following address.
Frederick County Adult Detention Center
Inmate Name, AR#
Facility #5294
PO Box 18247
Greensboro, NC 27419
The envelope must have a complete, legible return address including the sender’s first and last name or the company will not scan it.
The following are requirements for all inmate mail received by the scanning service.
Any magazine or newspaper subscriptions will have to be sent to the physical address of the facility (see address in Legal Mail)
DO NOT send Legal or privileged mail to the mail processing center
Mail must be 10 pages or less per envelope
Page size must be no larger than 8.5” x 11”
Mail can include written or typed pages, photos, drawings or greeting cards. (No Polaroid photos)
Any mail received with postage due, staff will refuse it and return it to the sender if possible
No glitter, glue, tape, 3D elements, or electronic components (lights, music, animation)
No items containing, depicting, or relating to sexually explicit activity, gang activity, illegal activity, violence, drug, or alcohol use, etc.
No photos of nude or partially clothed persons
No illegal substances or any other items considered as contraband
No magazines, books, or packages mailed to mail processing center
No cash, personal checks, or money orders mailed to the mail processing center
No originals of important documents such as birth certificates, driver’s licenses, social security cards, green cards, etc., as these items cannot be returned
No original photos or other irreplaceable or valuable items.
Legal mail and magazines or newspaper subscriptions must use the following physical addresses for the ADC and Work Release Center. Legal mail must be marked “Legal Mail” on the envelope and inmates will open it in front of ADC staff.
Frederick County Adult Detention Center Frederick County Work Release Center
Inmate Name, Inmate AR # Inmate Name, Inmate AR #
7300 Marcie’s Choice Lane 7281 Marcie’s Choice Lane
Frederick, MD 21704 Frederick, MD 21704