The Frederick County Sheriff's Office (FCSO) is a full-service law enforcement agency, an arm of the court, and a keeper of offenders. In this regard, it exists to serve the more than 290,000 citizens of Frederick County with respect, fairness, and compassion. FCSO is committed to the prevention of crime; the protection of life and property; the preservation of peace and order; the enforcement of laws and ordinances; the safeguarding of constitutional guarantees; and safekeeping of prisoners. The men, women, and officers of this office nurture public trust by holding themselves to the highest standards of performance and ethics.
All Press Releases and Media Advisories are published and stored on the Frederick County Government Document Center.
Click the link below to be taken directly to our Press Releases folder. Releases are sorted by month and year, so click on the corresponding year and then month that you are looking for. Press Releases will be visible once you select a month.